As stated in our Back-to-School plan, it is our goal to provide the best education possible while, protecting the health and safety of our students and staff. In conjunction with the updated CDC guidance regarding schools, and the less restrictive mitigations for our region, the Board of Education approved changes to our current Back-to-School Plan.
Beginning March 15th, all students will be expected to return to in-person instruction. We will continue to dismiss at 2:30 each day.
For those students who are considered at-risk medically, we will transition from Remote Learning to Non-Traditional Learning. Parents must submit the application form to the Unit Office by February 22, 2021. (A copy of the parent letter, as well as the application form, can be found in the Documents section of the website.)
We will continue to follow IDPH guidelines and will work closely with the Fayette County Health Department to help ensure the safety of our students and staff. We look forward to the time when the pandemic is over, and we are no longer faced with these issues. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!